Fresh 101

Fresh 101
About: New kitchen and café featuring fresh juices and healthy grab-n-go foods in West Village Detroit.
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Investment: $35,000 Loan
Partners: Northern Initiatives

New kitchen and café, boosted production capacity, 2-3 jobs created, and creation of a satellite “giveback” location at Detroit Recovery Project.

Founded in 2016, the Detroit-based Fresh 101 has made a name for itself with its pop-up juice stands across the city. In June 2017, Michigan Good Food Fund provided a $35,000 loan through Northern Initiatives to support Fresh 101 in founding a permanent kitchen and café in West Village Detroit, augmenting its menu with healthy grab-n-go foods plus wellness workshops. In addition, Fresh 101 will also launch a satellite “giveback” location at Detroit Recovery Project, which will feature its fresh juices at affordable prices for clients transitioning from addiction to wellness. The loan is helping Fresh 101 purchase equipment, supplies, promotional materials, and other capital needs for its new site. Learn more about Fresh 101: 

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